
Today is Sunday, June 4th.
I am camping in the place called Petit Port in Yunung of Alsace in France.

It was raining on and off at night.
I do not know how the forecast is.
morning. the rain ceased, but I slept again as it did not shine enough to dry the tent.
Because the sky began to clear up, I began to prepare for departure while drying the tent
I leave the campground around 9 o'clock.
Bicycle pulling cargo, and Swiss flag
Because the rear car is a single wheel, it seems difficult to keep stability, but he can carry lots a lot
Leave the campground and, for a while, I run along the canal.
This is the UNANG Canal.
After running for a while, it becomes the Rhone Rhine canal and leaves the Rhine.
The UNANG Canal just before is a branch of this canal.
My bicycle will camp, so luggage will increase slightly, but I have not side bags. I will hang the mat and the sleeping bag from the rear career. And I will fix the Boston bag to the rear carrier. This made it possible to fix the Boston bag with a one-touch buckle to the carrier. I attach a backpack on the front carrier by one touch hook. This method is convenient when I enter a supermarket because I can remove it immediately and take it.
Here and there, there is a Drawbridge.
It is the time of lunch. It does not mean that I sit down and eat slowly. running while eating, eating while running is such a way.
I ran by bicycle along the canal surrounded by a forest like this.
I was away from the canal, and run on the straight road in the forest.
It is the path for only pedestrians and bicycles.
I deviated from that road, and I run on a shared road where people,bicycle,car run. But because The road is not bent, the car will run at a great speed.
It is a bicycle exclusive road again. Madame,Mademoiselle are running Alsace road in France.
In some places I run on the same road as a car. I looked around but I could not find a bike path nearby.
A bicycle comes over here. This road seems to be a car and bike dual road.
Arrived at the campsite of Vauban
Today's mileage 53 km
Sunny weather

Vauban price 8 euro
Position N 48.01.37 E 0 7.34.18
WIFI included, registration required
I could not charge the battery.
Shower, toilet No problem.
Shopping is Carrefour contact in the fortress
It is a star shaped fort in Neuf Blizzac in the French town, made by castle master Vauban.
It has the shape of a perfect star and is highly appreciated in the art. Along with 12 other defensive facilities group built in France, it is registered as a UNESCO World Heritage Site as "Vauban Fortification Group".

Picture from Nuff ・ Blizzac's sky (Wikipedia)

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