0528 |
It is still dark, but the large marble balls
are powered by water, as usual. |
0540 |
I will run toward Taroko bridge, Xincheng (新城). |
0706 |
I ran about 20 kilometers.
The length of the Taroko bridge is 1208m. |
0710 |
After I cross the Taroko Bridge, I will pass
through the town of Chongde(崇徳). |
0718 |
Qingshui Duanya (清水断崖)
There is something written on the electronic
bulletin board on the road.
It is written.「8至18時監點放行10分」
I understand that traffic regulation will
However, I do not know the details.
I can not understand the meaning of 10 minutes.
Perhaps it means that I can pass only 10
0728 |
There are nine tunnels from here.
@Chongde tunnel (崇徳隧道) 313 m |
0730 |
The road is made by scraping a cliff.
In the case of such a cliff, it seems that
the road is to make if we usually get over
the mountain in the back of the land.
But It seems that it was impossible to make
a road in the outback because the mountain
rises sharply as getting away from the sea.
So, the road was made by digging the coastline
cliffs. |
0731 |
A匯徳隧道 1460m
From the outside, the tunnel is dark and
seems to be very narrow, but it is not so. |
0733 |
The inside of the tunnel is wide.
Even if a large truck comes in here, it is
not so scary.
Every tunnel is roughly like this. |
0739 |
It is written..「8至18時監點放行10分」
I do not understand the meaning of details.
0740 |
B錦文隧道 1100m |
0743 |
Oishimizui tunnel starts from the dong.
C大清水隋道 561m |
0747 |
A large car passed a tremendous speed and
Why are these cars rushing so fast? |
0750 |
The reason is that everybody want to go through
this cliff till 8 o'clock when traffic
D和清隧道 395m
0753 |
I passed half of the nine tunnels.
There is still half.
Time is only 7 minutes remaining. I can not
pass through 4 tunnels in 7 minutes.
I look back through 和清隧道.
"It's amazing cliff" |
0754 |
The 6th tunnel, 6 more minutes.
E仁清隋道 209m |
0803 |
The seventh tunnel.
At last it's past 8 o'clock.
It is a time when traffic closure can occur
I think that construction workers will not
cherish the time so much they start working
at just 8 o'clock.
F和仁隧道 1400m |
0809 |
There are two more tunnels.
G和平隧道 870m |
0831 |
After this, there are three climbing hills.
Those three uphill sides are hard. |
0833 |
H澳花隧道 484m
The tunnel of Shimizu cliff is over
I'm glad I did not encounter road closure. |
0855 |
At last I came across the closure of the
It is already heavily congested. |
0856 |
Road was closing・・・.I could not move forward
because several buses were stopping near
the right end. |
0857 |
Still I managed to get here by passing the
left side somehow. |
0859 |
In this way, the technician is doing cement
cover construction on the road wall. |
0909 |
The road continues to a very high place.Moreover,
when you look closely, traffic jams are growing
more than before.I have to go up over there
after a traffic jam. |
0942 |
I can see the sand beach far before this
I must go down to the sea level at that sandy
beach once.
And I have to go up the way of the cliff
Anyway,I concentrate on going up the slope
in front of my eyes.. |
0946 |
The person who got the cart is walking. |
1039 |
It says here at 8:30. |
1046 |
Beginning of the second uphill
There are many heavy-duty trucks that spew
diesel exhaust gas. |
1049 |
I have to go up to the middle of that mountain
in the distance.
In the picture, it is not reflected well,
but on the sloping side of the other, the
large buses have continued far long. |
1100 |
And a lot of asphalt trucks will overtake
me one after another. |
1120 |
I新奧隧道 1160m
Even if I pass through this tunnel, the town
of Suao is still far away.
In navigation, it is still far ahead. |
1139 |
That's right, the road still goes on. |
1206 |
The bus passed me, leaving exhaust gas as
souvenir ・ ・ ・. |
1222 |
A person on a journey will draw a cart. |
1231 |
A construction vehicle that does not take
measures against exhaust gases puts out a
lot of smoke and overtakes me.
Every day when I get to the inn, the mask
is black, but today it is already black.
So I am doing a cloth mask wet with
under a simple mask.
This vehicle is an asphalt carrying vehicle.The
asphalt seems to be carrying by piston from
the town of Suao蘇澳 to each site.The number
of trucks is large.There are hundreds of
them. |
1253 |
Sometimes, the traffic of a car is gone and
it gets quiet. |
1255 |
You can see Kameyama Island. |
1350 |
I arrived in the town of Suao. |
1403 |
I am planning to stay at a hotel here today. |